Canine Distemper Saved Dogs

Hector gets NDV spinal tap

Hector, suffering from neurologic distemper, recovers after a treatment of the NDV spinal tap.

en español

Hector was having a happy life, until one day he started crying with pain. He wasn’t able to go to sleep or stand still because of the nervous symptoms. At nights he was screaming in pain, and the owner was in shock because he had two distemper shots before.

He was treated with NDV spinal tap on Feb. 10. Eighteen hours after the spinal tap, he was depressed but you can see that he is looking hopeful, still shaking the legs but much better.

On Feb. 16, he was much happier, alert and started putting the front legs on bed. he is again sleeping with his owner in bed 🙂

With all my best wishes
Vet Sinem Karsli Parmaksizoglu
Istanbul, Turkey
Feb. 17, 2011

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