Canine Distemper Saved Dogs

NDV-induced serum saves Simba

en español

Mr. Bond,

As promised, I am writing you to inform you of the progress of my dog. Attached is a recent photo of my Simba.


On June 7th, I took my German Shepherd/Shar-Pei four month old puppy to the vet, after seeing him with yellowish eye discharge and a yellow/green nose discharge.  He wasn’t as playful as usual and, even though he didn’t stop eating, he had lost some of his appetite and was sleeping more than usual. He had been like this for 2 days.  Since I had taken him to the dog park and dog beach at Tropical Park here in Miami the week before, I thought he probably got a cold (I had no clue of the existence of distemper).   After seeing him, my vet told me I should worry about something called distemper. She sent some blood and mucus samples to the lab to test for distemper and told me that in the event it tested positive, I should consider putting him to sleep after a few weeks when the seizures would kick in.

On June 9th, she called me with the results of the lab tests.  Simba had tested positive for distemper and she wanted to see him in a week and have me consider not allowing the dog to suffer after the seizures, recommending me to euthanize him.  My wife cried for most of the day and I stayed awake all night reading about distemper on the Internet.  That’s when I read about Dr. Sears and his treatment.  It was close to daylight already when I sent him and you an E-Mail asking desperately for help.

I received your reply incredibly fast, with very helpful information.  I called all those clinics and only one said they had the NDV vaccine, but not the serum.  The doctor was out of town and the assistant could not administer the shot without his supervision, but she promised to help me by finding someone who could.  A couple of hours passed and I couldn’t concentrate in my work at my office, waiting for her call.  She finally called me back and said that there was this Animal Aid clinic in Boca Raton who had the serum and gave me the number.  I thanked her many times and made the call.  … I went home to pick up my Simba and drove an hour and a half to Boca.  The vet who I spoke with on the phone, a Godsend, saw my Simba and showed me how to administer the first injection, since I had to take part of the serum home with me, on ice, and administer the next two shots every twelve hours, which I did.

He got his first shot on a Friday at 5:21PM, and at 7:30PM, already home, he wanted to play, so I took him out for a short walk around the block and was already more energetic.  But he kept having the nose discharge, mostly at nights, for a couple of days after the last shot.  His eyes are now healed and healthy and he no longer has the nose discharge. He’s now eating more than ever and is extremely energetic and playful.  For the first time, since we brought him home when he was two moth’s old, he has been barking at passersby while in our backyard.  He gained 5 pounds in just one week!

I took him again to my vet here in Miami last Tuesday and she couldn’t believe the results.  She told me she wasn’t able to administer the serum, first because she doesn’t have it, and second because there isn’t enough information on that treatment, which isn’t accepted within the respected veterinary community.  I told her: “Doctor, my dog was saved because of it, look at him.  What have you got to lose by giving that treatment shot and many dogs a chance?”  … I decided I would purchase Dr. Sears DVD and give it to her so she may see the results and maybe change her mind and start using the treatment.  I purchased the DVD online today and also made my donation to Kind Hearts in Action.

Mr. Bond, I don’t know how to thank you enough and I needed to share my story with someone like you, who deserves it.  My dog has been saved from distemper, thanks to the knowledge you have been willing to share with others.

Arthur Mondejar
Miami, Florida
June 17, 2011

Thank you, Arthur, for your donation and for sharing your story with us. You may have helped save the lives of countless dogs. Ed Bond

5 replies on “NDV-induced serum saves Simba”

I hope our Milo(Siberian Husky) will also be cured =(, he had Spianl Tap operation last 4days, hoping for his recovery asap. your story about simba made me feel good on behalf of our milo, that someday, he will grow old w/ us

Hi Nico,

I hope your dog is doing better. Please let us know how he’s doing after the spinal tap.


Can you please help me get the serum in India. I picked up the mongrel lying on the street badly injured. He has developed CD. Some body is sponsoring his treatment. I saw this article and gave me lot of hope. Can you please help my dog Chavi?

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