Canine Distemper Saved Dogs

Tigger Bounces Back

I hope this story continues to build awareness and validates that the Newcastle treatment could be the solution to treating canine distemper … We lost one puppy and were not going to lose Tigger without a fight!

en español

The tale of the nose

The story is below, but these pictures tell the tale. First is Tigger, shortly after being adopted a few weeks ago.

Now, here is Tigger’s nose after he came down with distemper. This the classic, dry look of distemper with mucous.

Here is Tigger waking up from the anesthesia after his treatment.

And here is a closeup of Tigger’s nose later on. It’s much better.

Here is the account sent in from Haydee Crystal Acosta Bustamante on Dec. 15, 2009:

On NOV 14, 2009 we adopted two puppies (different litters) from the local humane society in el paso, tx (one 13 weeks the other 9 weeks old) .

On NOV 16, 2009 I took the 13 week old puppy to the vet because he looked terrible sick (yellow diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite) the vet prescribed antibiotics.

On NOV 24 we noticed our second puppy coughing and took both of them to another vet who prescribed antibiotics for both puppies.

On the 27 NOV after the 13 week old puppy started drooling and chewing gums we took him to a third vet who told us he had distemper and we had to put him to sleep. The vet told us that he had been exposed to distemper prior to arriving to the humane society of el paso… and that they propably didn’t realize he had it because it could live in a dogs buddy a week or two before showing any signs.

We came home sterilized the house for the second puppy and kept giving him antibiotics hoping he didn’t have it because he had received his 1st shots before we adopted him on NOV 11 and 3 days before being exposed to the 13 week old puppy.

On 11DEC09 we took the puppy for his followup and the vet said he had a high fever and swollen limp nodes and his nose was getting harder. Vet took a blood work and said he was 60% sure he had distemper too.

Later today we saw our second puppy now 12 weeks old have a seizure. (puppy clenched up on all four and his mouth began chewing uncontrollably and drooling for about 10-20 seconds..during this the puppy also defecated himself). looking back at it we believe the seizures began 3 days ago (once per day). We stayed up all night doing research online and found Ed Bond’s site about the treatment! We emailed everyone who we found with success stories or vets and a vet in Austin, Texas, responded to us the next day. She called and asked us if we could bring him in first thing Monday morning. She then called us back and said better yet bring him in tomorrow (Sunday Dec 13) the more we waited the worst the seizures and damage would get. We got our bags ready and drove from home (El Paso¸TX) to Austin Tx.. a 9 hour drive with a very sick puppy… who had 5 seizures on the way there. She saw him first thing in the morning, ran blood work and got him ready for the treatment.
The vet has seen 8 dogs with distemper from all over the US and so far has been able to save all but 2… When she saw Tigger she said that he was one of the healthiest dogs she had seen with the deadly virus… so she had high hopes for him… It’s now been almost 48 hrs (Which are the most crucial as the body is killing the virus) and he has been seizure and twitching free! We hope this will cure him forever so that he can be a living testament that the Newcastle Treatment is dependable and worth looking into by all vets!
The Staff and Vet of the Humane Society of El Paso – the shelter we adopted them both… have been very supportive and have committed to see Tigger until he is done with all of his booster shots. They feel horrible and helpless that we had to go through this… but again it was not their fault… most likely they received the 13 week old puppy already having distemper but since there were no obvious signs (fever, coughing etc..) we took him with us… 2days after the signs started. I hope this story continues to build awareness and validates that the Newcastle treatment could be the solution… We lost one puppy and were not going to lose Tigger without a fight!

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